Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder engagement is one of the key principles in the ICZM Recommendation of the European Commission, which states that all “the parties concerned (economic and social partners, the organisations representing coastal zone residents, non-governmental organisations and the business sector) should be involved in the management process”.
Stakeholder participation in Dorset
The Dorset Coast Forum has over 170 members and maintains an extensive up to date database of coastal stakeholder contacts.
Members are sent regular e-news letters keeping them informed on European, national, regional and local consultations, initiatives and events.
In addition, members are kept appraised of national and international policies such as the Marine Bill consultation,
the EU Maritime Policy Green Paper and the European and UK ICZM consultations.
Twice a year Forum meetings are organised, providing an opportunity to present, discuss and debate topical local,
national and international issues of broad interest to Dorset’s coastal stakeholders.
In addition to this, groups and seminars are organised to address potentially contentious subjects.
All reports and management plans go out to a wider stakeholder base for consultation.
Stakeholder participation within the C-SCOPE Project will be through the Steering Group and the four Task and Finish Groups, which will be drawn primarily from the DCF membership.
There will also be a series of workshops and seminars which DCF members and other coastal stakeholders not directly involved with the forum will be encouraged to attend.
Wider stakeholders and the general public will be engaged via an integrated media campaign, which will be determined by the Communications Task and Finish Group.
Communication channels are anticipated to include internet, press, radio and television.
Stakeholder participation in Belgium
In Belgium Coastal Stakeholders are engaged in the ICZM process through official procedures (eg for Environmental Impact Assessment, spatial planning procedures) and hearings for concrete projects.
At the moment however, coastal stakeholders are not involved in the organisational structure of the Coordination Centre on ICZM.
In order to enhance stakeholder engagement on the Belgian coast, a Coastal Forum will be established within C-SCOPE.
The main aim is to create a dialogue between stakeholders, administration and politicians on ICZM and to give coastal stakeholders an opportunity to suggest their priorities for future coastal policy.